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Quer ver isso novamente mais tarde Faça login para adicionar este vídeo a uma lista de reprodução. Estreia: 30 de novembro. Soren (Jim Sturgess) uma corujinha fascinada pelas histrias picas contadas pelo pai sobre os Guardies de GaHoole, mticos guerreiros alados que lutaram. A origem dos guardies (VOD) Assista online aos majores sucessos dos cinemas aqui. Sao mais de 1.500 filmes para o sistema de opinião. Assista agora com. A Origem dos Guardies baixar uma aventura pica produzida pela Dream Works que mostra o Papai Noel e o Coelho da Pscoa. A Guardian of Childhood, de William Joyce, e segue a histria dos heres da nossa infncia. A origem dos guardies - dublado - download em 4shared. A origem dos guardies - dublado é hospedado no serviço gratuito de compartilhamento de arquivos 4shared. Origem dos Her. É - Guardi. Es da Gal. Xia. Bem vindos a mais uma Origem dos Her. é. Esta semana trazemos para voc. S a origem dos Guardi. Es da Gal. Xia. Neste v. 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OWe. R. Avenger. 19. 94. Perfeito para DVD ou outros formatos. Deixe-me saber se você gosta. Subtitrari in limba romana pentru filmul Vida de Pi aparut em 2012 de tipul TS, DVDSCR, DVDRip, HD, WebRip em regia lui Ang Lee de genul Aventura, Drama din. Nós nos especializamos na automação de campanhas de marketing para a indústria imobiliária. Nós fazemos o trabalho, você vê os resultados Tudo sobre você O marketing o manterá consistente. Obrigado. Nje gabim i vogel ne 2 fjale te paperkthyera. Kerkoj falje. Life of Pi 2. DVDSCR. Merfan. Krasniqi. Vida de Pi (2. 01. Merfan Krasniqi. Vida de Pi (2. BLURAY - 8. 99. MB - sc. Orp. Vida de Pi 2. Br. Rip Dual AudioEnglishndi X2. HH. Ahmedayad. 23. Dr. Ahmed Ayad ... Blu. Ray 3. D Release SBS. Life. Of. Pi. 2. 01. WEB - DL. I. Pad. 7. AAC. X. 26. 4- CHDPAD. Vida. De. Pi. 2 01. SILVER. TS. XVID - 2. K. Life. Of. Pi. 2. DVDSCREENER. Xvi. D - DEYA. Bom, se você baixar a música da Web Extra Torrent. Site. Life. Of. Pi. DVDSCR. Xvi. D. AC3- NYDIC. ALL DVDSCR. Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R.,. Life. Of. Pi. 2. 01. DVDRip. Xvi. D. AC3- PTp. OWe. R. Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R. .. Life. Of. Pi. 2. 01. Blu. Ray. 7. 20p. DTS. X. 26. 4- CHD. Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R. , Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R. Life. Of. Pi. 2. 01. BRrip. X. 26. 4. GAZ. YIFY. Jodhaa Akbar. ... Life. Of. Pi. 2. 01. Blu . Ray. X. 26. 4- CROSSBOW. All Blu. Ray. Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R., Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R. Life. Of. Pi. 2. 01. D . 1. 08. 0p. Bluray. HSBS. X. 26. 4. YIFY. Mohsen Daupis .. Life of Pi DVDSCR. Xvi. D (2. 01. 2). Mahmoud Abd Elhady. . Life of Pi 2. 01. WEBrip XVID AC3 BHRG. Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R. .. Life of Pi 2. 01. NTERNAL DVDRip Xvi. D - i. ND. Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R. .. Life of Pi 2. 01. DVDSCR Xvi. D - P2. P. yaser othman. Life of Pi 2. DVDSCR Xvi. D - Bi. G. Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R.,. Life of Pi 2. 01. DVDSCR Xvid Ac. 3- ADTRG. Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R.,. Life Of Pi 2. 01. DVDRi. P XVi. D - PTp. OWe. R. Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R. .. Life of Pi 2. 01. BRRip Xvi. D AC3- SANTi. Life Of Pi 2. 01. WEBRip x. 26. 4 AC3- LEGi. N. Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R. .. Life of Pi 2. 01. WEB - DL DD5 1 H 2. Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R. .. Life Of Pi 2. 01. BRRip x. 26. 4 AC3- PTp. OWe. R. Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R., Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R. Life Of Pi 2. 01. Blu. Raio. X. 26. 4. YIFY. Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R., Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R. Life Of Pi 2. 01. BRRip Xvi. D AC3- UNDERCOVER. Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R., Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R. Life of Pi 2. 01. HARDCODED BRRip Xvi. D AC3- SANTi. Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R., Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R. Life of Pi (2. 01. DVDScr 5. 50. MB Ganool. Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R.,. Life Of Pi (2. 01. Blu. Ray 7. 20p x. Ganool. Ki LLe. R Sp. IDe. R., Ki. LLe. R Sp. IDe. R. Vida de Pi (2. 01. 7. Vida de Pi ... Vida. De. Pi. 2. 01. DVDRip Xvi. D - ARROW. THIEF 3. 29. 22. 0 .. Life. Of. Pi. 2. 01. Blu. Ray. 7. 20p. DTS. X. 26. 4- CHD. Este é o subtítulo do formato SRT O primeiro e melhor legado do Bangla para este filme. Compatível com todos os Blu-ray 1. Aproveite e por favor dê uma resposta. Vida. De. Pi. 2. 01. Blu. Ray. 7. 20p. DTS. X. 26. 4 - CHD. Life. Of. Pi. 2. 01. Blu. Ray. 7. 20p. DTS. X. 26. 4- CHD. Este é o subtítulo do formato SRT. Primeiro e melhor legado Bangla para este filme. Compatível para todos Blu-ray 1. Desfrute, pessoal. Vida. Pi. 2. 01. 2. 7. 20p. BRrip. X. 26. 4. GAZ. YIFY. Este é o subtítulo do formato SRT. Primeiro e melhor legado Bangla para este filme . Compatível com todos os Blu-ray 1. Aproveite e por favor dê um feedback. Vida de. Pi. 2. 01. BRrip. X. 26. 4. GAZ. YIFY. Vida. De. Pi. BRrip. X. 26. 4 . GAZ. YIFY. Este é o subtítulo do formato SRT. Primeiro e melhor legado do Bangla para este filme. Compatível com todos os Blu-ray 1. Desfrute, pessoal. Vida. Do. Pi. 2. 01. 2. Blu. Raio. X. 26. 4- CROSSBOW. Este é o subtítulo do formato SRT. Primeiro e melhor legado do Bangla para este filme. Compatível com todos os Blu-ray 1. Aproveite e por favor envie comentários. Vida. Do. Pi. 2. 01. Blu. Raio. X. 26. 4- CROSSBOW. Vida. Do. Pi. 2. 01. Blu. Raio. X. 26. 4- CROSSBOW. Este é o subtítulo do formato SRT. Primeiro e melhor legado do Bangla para este filme. Compatível com todos os Blu-ray 1. Desfrute, pessoal. Vida. Pi. 2. 01. 2. 7. 20p. Blu. Raio. X. 26. 4. DTS-Wi. Ki. Este é o subtítulo do formato SRT. Primeiro e melhor legado do Bangla para este filme. Compatível com todos os Blu-ray 1. Aproveite e por favor envie comentários. Vida. do. Pi. 2. 01. Blu. Raio. X. 26. 4. DTS-Wi. Ki. Vida. Pi. 2. 01. 2. 7. 20p. Blu. Raio. X. 26. 4. DTS-Wi. Ki. Este é o subtítulo do formato SRT. Primeiro e melhor legado do Bangla para este filme. Compatível com todos os Blu-ray 1. Desfrute, pessoal. Vida. Pi. 2. 01. 2. 3. D. HSBS. Ir. Descanse em paz. X. YIFY. Este é o subtítulo do formato SRT. Primeiro e melhor legado do Bangla para este filme. Compatível com todos os Blu-ray 1. Aproveite e por favor envie comentários. Vida. do. Pi. 2. 01. D. HSBS. Ir. Descanse em paz. YIFY. Vida. do. Pi. BRrip. X. 26. 4. GAZ. YIFY. Este é o subtítulo do formato SRT. Primeiro e melhor legado do Bangla para este filme. Compatível com todos os Blu-ray 1. Aproveite e por favor envie comentários. Vida. do. Pi. 2. 01. BRrip. X. 26. 4. GAZ. YIFY. Vida. do. Pi. BRrip. X. 26. 4. GAZ. YIFY. Este é o subtítulo do formato SRT. Primeiro e melhor legado do Bangla para este filme. Compatível com todos os Blu-ray 1. Desfrute, pessoal. Vida. Pi. 2. 01. 2. 1. 08. Blu. Raio. X. 26. 4- SPARKS. Este é o subtítulo do formato SRT. Primeiro e melhor legado do Bangla para este filme. Compatível com todos os Blu-ray 1. Aproveite e por favor envie comentários. Vida. do. Pi. 2. 01. Blu. Raio. X. 26. 4- SPARKS. Vida. do. Pi. 2. 01. Blu. Raio. X. 26. 4- SPARKS. Este é o subtítulo do formato SRT. Primeiro e melhor legado do Bangla para este filme. Compatível com todos os Blu-ray 1. Desfrute, pessoal. Vida. Do. Pi. 2. 01. 2. Blu. Raio. DTS-ES. PHD. Este é o subtítulo do formato SRT. Primeiro e melhor legado do Bangla para este filme. Compatível com todos os Blu-ray 1. Aproveite e por favor envie comentários. Vida. Do. Pi. 2. 01. Blu. Raio. DTS-ES. PHD. Vida. Do. Pi. Blu. Raio. DTS-ES. PHD. Este é o subtítulo do formato SRT. Primeiro e melhor legado do Bangla para este filme. Compatível com todos os Blu-ray 1. Desfrute, pessoal. Life of Pi 2. Bangla Subtitle - brrip 7. Este é o subtítulo Bangla do formato SRT do mais popular 2. Life of Pi. Vida de Pi (2. Bangla. Brain. Killa. Código Big 5. Life. Pi. Cht. Brazillian Portuguese. Life. Of. Pi. 2. 01. TS. Xvi. D. READNFO - SHOWTi. ME. Brazillian Portuguese Life. Of. Pi. 2. 01. TS. X. 26. 4. AAC - Bi. GKATS. Português brasileiro. Vida. De. Pi. 2. 01. PRATA. TS. XVID - 2. K. Brazillian Portuguese Life. Of. Pi. 2. 01. HDTS. READNFO. XVi. D. AC3-RESi. STANCE. Português brasileiro. Vida. De. Pi. 2. 01. HDTS. READNFO. Fi. XED. XVi. D. AC3- RESIDÊNCIA. Brazillian Portuguese. Life. Of. Pi. 2. 01. DVDRip. Xvi. D - PTp. OWe. R. Sync, corregida por Ivandrofly. Português brasileiro. Vida. De. Pi. 2. 01. WEBR. x. 26. 4. AC3- LEGi. 0N. Sincronização, corregida por Ivandrofly. Português brasileiro. De. Pi. 2. 01. WEB - DL. X. 26. 4. AC3- JYK. Sincronização, corregida Por Ivandrofly Brazillian Portuguese Vida de Pi. 2. 01. WEB - DL. DD5. 1. H. HD4. FUN. Sincronização, corregida por Ivandrofly. Brasil brasileiro. Vida de Pi. 2. 01. TS XVi. D. AC3- 2. Português brasileiro. Vida de Pi. 2. 01. TS . X. 26. 4- TRi. Ni. TY. Português brasileiro. Vida. Do. Pi. 2. 01. BRRip. Xvi. D. AC3- Vi. Si. EM. Legendas de Mario Menezes. Português brasileiro. Vida. do. Pi. 2. 01. WEB-DL. X. 26. 4- m. SD. Sincronização, corregida por Ivandrofly. Português brasileiro. Vida. do. Pi. 1. 08. WEB - DL. DD5. 1. H. Crazy. HD. Sincronização, corregida por Ivandrofly. Funciona com lançamento Life Of Pi2. BRRip 7. 20p H2. 64- ETRG. Mas tem 1 passo atraz, versao Life Of Pi2. BRRip 7. 20p H2. 64- ETRG sera disponivel breve cheer. Português brasileiro. Vida. do. Pi. (2. 01. BRRip. Xvi. D. TURG - 3. Psi. Lo. N. Sync, corregida por Ivandrofly. Português brasileiro. Life. Of. Pi (2. 01. DVDScr - Xvi. D - AC3DDR. Brazillian Portuguese. Life Of Pi2. 01. BRRip 7. 20p H2. 64- ETRG. Sincronização, corregida por Ivandrofly. Funciona com lançamento Life Of Pi2. BRRip 7. 20p H2. 64- ETRG. Mas tem 1 passo atraz, versao Life De Pi2. BRRip 7. 20p H2. 64- ETRG sera disponivel breve cheer. Brazillian Portuguese. Vida de Pi 2. 01. TS Xvi. D Subs - Ri. SES. Português Brazillian. Vida de Pi - Hindi - DVDScr - Xvi. D - 1. CDRip DDR. Brazillian Portuguese. As. Aventuras de Pi. Dual. Ptbr. Eng. BDRip. Xvid. Ac. 3. Brazilinjapan. By. Sync. Apartir as Feiras. Português brasileiro. Life of Pi DVD. Luis henriques. Búlgaro. Vida. De. Pi. 2. 01. 2. 1. 08. BDRip. AAC. X. 26. Código BG chinês. Vida. Pi. Chs. Life. Of. Pi. 2. 01. BDRip. AAC. X. 26. Life. Of. Pi. 2. 01. BDRip. AAC. X. 26. Life. Of. Pi. Dk. Life. Of. Pi. 2. 01. Blu. Ray. 7. 20p. DTS. X. 26. 4- CHD. Retail (u Kursiv ). Rippet og Tilpasset af: Equipe i. DW. Vida. do. Pi. WEB-DL. Vida. Do. Pi. 2. 01. 2. 7. 20p. Blu. Raio. X. 26. 4- CROSSBOW. Stormshadow. Vida. Do. Pi. 2. 01. 2. Blu. Raio. X. 26. 4- CROSSBOW. Varejo (u Kursiv). Rippet og Tilpasset af: Equipe i. DW. Vida. do. Pi. Blu. Raio. X. 26. 4. DTS-Wi. Ki. Varejo (u Kursiv). Rippet og Tilpasset af: Equipe i. DW. Vida. do. Pi. BRrip. X. 26. 4. YIFY. Pró. Sub. Fixador. Vida. Pi. 2. 01. 2. 1. 08. Blu. Raio. X. 26. 4- SPARKS. Varejo (u Kursiv). Rippet og Tilpasset af: Equipe i. DW. Vida. Do. Pi. Blu. Raio. DTS-ES. PHD. Varejo (u Kursiv). Rippet og Tilpasset af: Equipe i. DW. Vida. do. Pi. WEB-DL. DD5. 1. H. Crazy. HD. Vida do PI. Passer til: Life. Arrastar. Solta. Sim. O primeiro site para fornecer hospedagem GRATUITA de arquivos com o suporte para arrastar n drop. Furk. líquido. Furk. 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O Ogden Mustangs entrou em Las Vegas para o 8º Tiroteio Anual dos Estados Ocidentais na semana passada para enfrentar três. Bit Torrent, com uma incrível comunidade P2P compartilhando comentários e classificações na descoberta de novas mídias. Uma descrição detalhada de por que o Pono é o pior reprodutor de música portátil de todos os tempos. Big Download Portal. Você pode encontrar e baixar evrething que você querSubtitles para The Hunger Games. Legendas de classificação boa. Título da Língua NomeFilm título. Arquivos. H. I. Proprietário. Comente. The Hunger Games 2. The Hunger Games (2. Blu. Ray. 1. 08. 0p. Snappy Program Lock Haven S04E04 HDTV x264-KILLERSrarbg The Pirates Band Of Misfits 2012 1080p BluRay 3D H-SBS DTS x264-Mia Hilton (2012) HD 1080p. Subtitrari noi in limba romana pentru cele mai noi filme si seriale .... CH. X. 26. 4. Ganool. The. Hunger. Games. TS XVi. D AC3- ADTRG. SaraElrayes .... Jogos de Hunger. BRRip. Ab. Surdi. Ty. Brad Pitt II. The. Hunger. Games. Blu. Ray. X2. 64- BLOW. The. Hunger. Games.2012.BluRay.720p. DTS. x264 - CHD The. Hunger. Games.2012.BluRay.1080p. DTS. x264-CHD The. Hunger. Games.2012.1080p. CAN. Blu-ray. AVC. DTS-HD. MA.7.1-EbP. The. Hunger. Games. Blu. Ray. X2. 64- BLOW. Ho. SSam. Egypt. .. Ho. SSam. Egypt. The. Hunger. Games. 7. Note: We respect your privacy and will not spam, sell, or share your email address. Blu. Ray. X2. 64. YIFY. Bander Alhlbaney. . The. Hunger. Games. V2. TS. Cropped. Xvi. D Feel - Free. selrayes - . The. Hunger. Games. PROPER. 7. 20p . BRRip. Xvi. D. AC3- Vi . Si. ON. O. Hunger. Games. DVDRip. Xvi. D - Vi. P3. R.. . . O. Hunger. Games. Bluray. 1. 08. 0p. DTS - HD - 7. 1. x. Grym. Khalid. 19. .- . O. Hunger. Games. Blu. Ray. x. 26. 4. AAC - i. HD.. The. Hunger. Games. Blu. Ray. x. 26. 4. AAC - i. HD.. The. Hunger. Games. Blu. Ray. Vigilante - Oliver. . .... O. Hunger. Games. Blu. Ray. x. 26. 4. DTS - HDChina. . YIFY. computerangel.. The Hunger Games RERIP 7. Blu. Ray X2. 64- BLOW.- . The Hunger Games 7. Blu. Ray X2. 64- BLOW. -. The Hunger Games 2. TSRip 5. 00. MB MKV. SaraElrayes. . The Hunger Games 2. TS READNFO XVi. D - s. C0rp. . The Hunger Games 2. TS READNFO XVi. D - s. C0rp. deena. J. A.. The Hunger Games 2. PROPER BRRip 7. 20p x. AAC - Ki. NGDOM. The Hunger Games 2. DVDRip Xvi. D - MAXSPEED.- . The Hunger Games 2. BRRip Xvi. D AC3- SANTi. The Hunger Games 2. Blu. Ray X2. 64- BLOW.- . The Hunger Games 2. Blu. Ray x. 26. 4 DTS - HDC.- . The Hunger Games (2. Blu. Ray x. 26. 4- Mg. B. . . The Hunger Games (2. Blu. Ray x. 26. 4 YIFY. The Hunger Games (2. Blu. Ray 7. 20p 9. MB Ganool. 3. Usa. Bit. com - The Hunger Games (2. Blu. Ray 7. 20p 9. MB Ganool.. The Hunger Games (2. Blu. Ray 1. 08. 0p 5. CH x. 26. 4 Ganool. . . The Hunger Games (2. BD9 AC3 AVCHD. i. Candy. The Hunger Games Blu - ray. The Hunger Games Blu - ray. The Hunger Games Blu - ray.. The. Hunger. Games. BDRip. Xvi. D.- COCAIN. - . The. Hunger. Games. BDRip. Xvi. D. COCAIN. . The Hunger Games RERIP BDRip Xvi. D - COCAIN. saraelrayes - . The Hunger Games 2. BDRip Xvi. D - COCAIN. - . Azerbaijani. The. Hunger. Games. 2. BRRip. Xvi. D. AC3- 5. Play. HD. justme0. . The Hunger Games (2. BanglaBYSA Turag. Its my 1. 0th sub. Enjoy and rate it. Big 5 code. The. Hunger. Games. 2. 01. 2. . Big 5 code. The Hunger Games - - For All Bluray Releases. R3 Taiwan Traditional Mandarin Official Subtitles R3 Region. Brazillian Portuguese. The. Hunger. Games. RERIP. BDRip . Xvi. D - COCAIN. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. RERIP. 7. 20p. Blu. Ray. X2. 64- BLOW. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. Blu. Ray. X2. 64- BLOW. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. Blu. Ray. X2. 64. YIFY. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. V2. TS. XVi. D. New - Source. DTRG. fansubbed - int. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. V2. TS. New - Source. XVi. D - DTRG. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. V2. TS. Cropped. Xvi. D Feel - Free. horropheliac. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. TS. Xvi. D - INFERNO. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. TS. Xvi. D - ILLUMINATI. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. TS. Xvi. D. AC3- 2. K. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. REPACK. BRRip. Xvi. D - Me. RCu. RY. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. PROPER. 7. 20p. BRRip. Xvi. D. AC3- Vi. Si. ON. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. DVDRip. Xvi. D - Vi. P3. R. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. DVDRip. Xvi. D - MAXSPEED. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. Blu - ray. BDRip. BRRip Sub. Rip. Sync by Ivandrofly . Padro da legenda. Ripada do subpack. Correo com novo acordo ortogrfico. Reviso de OCR. - Nenhuma mudana na quebra de linhas. Nenhuma mudana no tempo de exibio. Enjoy HD Enjoy Sub. Rip Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. Blu. Ray. 7. 20p. DTS. x. 26. 4- CHD. Sync, corrigida por ivandrofly. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. Blu. Ray. 1. 08. 0p. DTS. x. 26. 4- CHD. Sync, corrigida por ivandrofly. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. BRRip. Xvi. D. AC3- Vi. Si. ON. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. BRRip. x. 26. 4. AC3- JYK. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. Blu. Ray. x. 26. 4- SPARKS. Sync, corrigida por ivandrofly. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. Blu. Ray. x. 26. 4- BLOW. Public. HD. Sync, corrigida por ivandrofly. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. Blu. Ray. x. 26. 4. YIFY. Sync, corrigida por ivandrofly. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. Blu. Ray. x. 26. 4. DTS - HDChina. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. Bluray. x. 26. 4. Xmous. Sync, corrigida por ivandrofly. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. Blu. Ray. x. 26. 4- SPARKS. Sync, corrigida por ivandrofly. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. Blu. Ray. x. 26. 4- BLOW. Public. HD. Sync, corrigida por ivandrofly. Brazillian Portuguese. O. Hunger. Games. Blu. Ray. x. 26. 4. YIFY. Sync, corrigida por ivandrofly. Brazillian Portuguese. O. 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The first site to provide FREE file hosting with drag n drop support. Tower of Heaven arc - Fairy Tail Wiki. The Tower of Heaven arc is the seventh story arc of Fairy Tail. As Team Natsu takes a vacation at the popular Akane Resort, Erzas dark past comes back to haunt her when a few of her old friends kidnap her and plan to make her a sacrifice needed to revive the most powerful Dark Mage in history Zeref. Now, Team Natsu must find a way to rescue her and Erza must come to terms with fighting the man who was once one of her closest friend S. The Ruined Vacation: Battle At the Casino Edit. Erza is ready to go to the casino. After Loke gives Team Natsu tickets to Akane Resort, they head off for a vacation. Upon arrival, Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and Happy first decide to enjoy the beach. Elsewhere, Erza unwinds in her room and drifts off to sleep. She dreams of her childhood horrors at the Tower of Heaven where she worked as a slave to build the R - System. She hides in a corner and cries as Jellal Fernandes voice whispers to her that freedom is just an illusion. Erza then wakes up and looks at herself in the mirror. She changes back into her Heart Kreuz Armor thinking it fits her personality better, before Lucy comes in the room and tells her to get dressed to go gamble at the casino downstairs, where the others are already present. Erza then requips into a rose patterned dress and heads out. Those arent good cards. At the casino, Natsu gets angry when he loses a roulette game. As Gray plays at slots, Juvia reveals herself and admits that she decided to tag along. Natsu starts complaining again, when suddenly, a block - headed man named Wally Buchanan appears and tells him how to enjoy himself in an adult place, to Natsu and Happys surprise. Wally then points a gun to Natsus head, while everyone in the casino starts running in horror. Seven Minutes in Heaven is the 6th book in The Lying Game series Sutton Mercer had the perfect. The Tower of Heaven arc is the seventh story arc of Fairy Tail. As Team Natsu takes a vacation. Sara Shepard (8 april 1977) is een Amerikaanse auteur. Ze schreef onder meer de jeugdboekenserie Pretty Little Liars. Sara Catherine Shepard is an American author known for the bestselling Pretty Little Liars and The Lying Game book series, both of which have been turned into. Its-a me, Mario Mario, Super Mario 64. Mario is the main character and protagonist of the long-running and highly successful Mario series. He was created. The Lying Game Wiki is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge There are six subclasses, and eleven main classes in the game. Players start the game by choosing one of the six primary classes: Warrior, Mage, Scout, Priest. Meanwhile, Gray and Juvia discuss her leaving the Phantom Lord Guild and becoming an independent Mage, as well as her interest in joining the Fairy Tail Guild. Just then, another man named Simon appears in front of them, swatting Juvia aside and demanding to know where Erza is. At the same time, Erza is playing a card game, when suddenly one of Erzas childhood friends, Sh, comes in to rotate dealer positions, but instead spells out the words DEATH with his cards to Erza. Erza stares at Sh, shocked to see him.1Lucy is captured Sh remarks how its been a while since they last saw each other, but Erza is still surprised to see that Sh is safe. Meanwhile, Simon asks Gray about Erzas whereabouts a second time. Juvia suddenly appears ready to attack in her water form, intending to protect Gray and buy him some time to go find Erza. At that point, Simon gets told, through his headpiece, that Erza has been found, so he uses his Dark Moment Spell to blind Gray and Juvia and escape. While in the dark, Natsu gets shot in the mouth by Wally, and a bang is heard throughout the casino. When the light reappears Sh is gone but reappears behind Erza and shows her his Magic Card by displaying the trapped people inside his card deck by his Card Dimension Spell, remarking that he learned to use Magic too. At the same time another of Erzas past friends, Millianna, a cat like woman, meows and uses her Neksoku Tube to grab Lucy, despite Erzas protests about Lucy being a friend. Sh finds this remark insulting, saying that he thought they were friends too, until Erza betrayed them. Wally then reanimates himself to where Sh and Millianna are and tells Sh to calm down while also complimenting Erzas beauty. Erzas old friends. Simon also appears as Lucy falls to the ground with her hands and feet tied. Lucy asks Erza why they are all calling her sister, and she replies that they are old friends, which triggers Wally to point his gun at Lucy, much to Erzas shock. Wally reanimates his hand behind Erza and shoots her with a sleeping bullet instead. As Simon grabs Erza, Lucy struggles in her position to get Erza back, but Millianna remarks that shell be cat food in a few minutes. Wally then remembers that he has a gift for Millianna and presents Happy to her, knowing her cat - loving nature. Sh then exclaims that Erza will be returning to the Tower Of Heaven, where Jellal is waiting for her arrival.2Juvia covered Gray with her. After Erza and her former friends leave, Lucy tries to summon Cancer but fails to reach her keys, when she is suddenly poked by a knife belonging to someone inside of Shs cards. He ends up cutting the ropes for her and the man is rewarded with a kiss. Once freed, Lucy runs over to Gray but when she touches him, his body breaks into pieces, freaking her out, until it turns out to be an ice clone. Juvia then gets up and lets Gray out of her water body, where she was hiding him, getting a freaked - out reaction from Lucy. Gray sheds his shirt and asks where Natsu is, but then Natsus signature flame breath appears in the distance, before he starts yelling about how it was rude for someone to shoot inside his mouth. Natsu runs out of the casino, wanting revenge on Wally, with everyone else following, since Natsu has a keen sense of smell and can lead them to Erza.3Natsus frustrated screams. At the Tower Of Heaven, Jellal sits on his throne as Vidaldus Taka walks in, reporting that Erza was successfully captured. Jellal laughs to himself and tells Vidaldus why he didnt kill Erza, which was because Erza was going to be the sacrifice to the tower. On Shs ship, Erza is tied to a pole, and while everyone else is asleep, Sh visits her. She demands to be released, but Sh refuses to oblige. She then struggles to get free but Sh tells her its futile because Milliannas ropes can seal Magic, but Erza corrects him saying she just wants to just equip her armor back so she can feel more secure. Sh tells her that she looks nice in what she has on, and then he hugs Erza, telling her he never wanted to do all this, but it is her fault for betraying Jellal. Erza then reminisces her old friends and her escaping, worried about getting captured and potentially tortured, and that Jellal was the one who gave them the courage to carry on.4Infiltrate Staircase to Heaven. Editar. Magic Council Meeting. The Magic Council reacts to the news brought by Siegrain that the R - System still exists. They remember shutting down the R - System projects, but other members point out there was an 8th tower they must have missed and that now it is almost completed. Siegrain interrupts the conversation saying the name of the 8th tower is The Tower of Heaven, while the others tell him to shut up and organize an army to take it down. Michello feels they dont have enough information to do that, but they do know that a cult leader, Jellal, is in control of the tower.5Team Natsu rescue squad. Gray, Juvia, Lucy and Natsu travel by canoe to the Tower of Heaven. Gray thinks theyre lost and Natsu is sick from the transportation as usual, though they are all counting on his nose. Juvia expresses her surprise that Erza got defeated, which irritates Gray as he refuses to accept that she lost, until Lucy tells him to calm down since they dont know much about Erza. Soon, they see the tower ahead of them and continue sailing towards it.6Sh reveals Jellals plans. Inside the tower, as Erza arrives, she is thrown in a prison, which triggers her to remember her monstrous past when the guards came asking who was the mastermind behind the plan to escape, Jellal courageously said that it was him but the guard decided that it was Erza. Despite the fact that it was Sh who had the idea, Erza accepted the punishment trembling with fear, but also smiling, to assure the others that she was not afraid. Now in the same prison again after years, Sh tells her she will stay there until the ceremony starts the following day, in which she will be the sacrifice for Paradise. Erza tells Sh not to use the R - System to resurrect the Dark Mage because of the consequences it will bring to the Magic World, but Sh is adamant, believing that Jellal will bring them to Paradise and that they will all rule together. Erza then brings Sh to his knees by kicking him in the face and requips into her Heart Kreuz Armor, determined to find and fight Jellal.7Millianna just loves cats. Happy wakes up in Milliannas room surrounded by stuffed cats and cat pillows, and he starts looking for Natsu. Millianna asks Happy how he is, and he shocks her when he reveals his ability to talk. Simon then comes in to tell Milianna and Wally that Erza has escaped, much to Happys surprise that she is somewhere close. Simon tells them shes probably going for Jellal and they all set out to find her. In the throne room of the tower, Vidaldus worries about the Magic Councils actions.8Magic Councils reaction to Etherion. At the Magic council, everyone is still arguing about what should be done, until Siegrain says the tower is way too dangerous to let it stand and recommends using Etherion. Almost everyone initially refuses, claiming the Etherion is their ultimate weapon and is even more powerful than the R - System, but Ultear Milkovich agrees to use it, so Siegrain begs for three more votes to let the chaotic weapon be used.9Team Natsu infiltrates the tower through an underwater route. Back at the tower, Erza continues fighting and looking for Jellal. On the outside, Natsu and the others think there are too many guards to just walk in so Juvia recomments they go through an underwater entrance she found. She produces water helmets to give the Mages oxygen while underwater, and after they go through and reach the ground, Lucy points out how useful the water helmets were, surprising Juvia, who admits to having made Lucys tank smaller than the others so that she wouldnt last. Guards then spot the gang but they are easily defeated, and then a door leading to the inside of the tower opens for them. In the throne room, Vidaldus asks Jellal why he is letting enemies enter. Jellal just claims that everything is a game to him and that they just passed a level. ELI TALKSELI Talks. ELI Talks Inspired Jewish Ideas. ELI Talks are 1. 2 minute presentations covering innovative ideas and inspiring concepts exploring Jewish engagement, literacy and identity. ELI Talks are meant to inspire Jewish people to become active participants of Jewish life and community they are the starting point for new dialogue and exploration within the Jewish community. 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By Wesley Raybould. Upcoming 3. DS Games 2. You. Tube. The year of the 3. DS keeps going Upcoming 3. DS Games 2. 01. 3- 1. List of games - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1- Youkai Watch. The year of the 3DS keeps going Upcoming 3DS Games 2013-14 List of games ----- 1-Youkai Watch 2-Project X Zone 3-Shin Megami Tensei IV 4-Mario amp Luigi. The irony of all these upcoming movie remakes is that over the last decade and a bit Hollywood has made some really ambitious and great films. Following page contains information on upcoming, most interesting games with confirmed support for GPU accelerated PhysX effects. Full list of GPU PhysX titles can be. Beware the Batman is an American computer-animated television series based on the DC Comics superhero Batman. The series premiered in the United States on Cartoon. Batman: Arkham City is an open-world 12 action-adventure game that incorporates tactics from stealth games. 13 It is presented from the third-person perspective. Looking for new games to add to you 3DS collection. Heres our list of the upcoming 3DS games of 2015. Project X Zone. 3- Shin Megami Tensei IV4- Mario amp Luigi: Dream Team. Rune Factory 4. 6- Etrian Odyssey Untold: Millennium Girl. Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure. Flipnote Studio 3. D9- One Piece Unlimited World Red. Toriko: Gourmet ga Battle. Mushibugyou 1. 2- Digimon World RE Digitize Decode. Gaist Crusher. 14- Fantasy Life Link. Hometown Story. 16- C - Wars. Batman has been busting heads and bringing video game justice since 1986. Thats over 25 years, and across more then ten systems Take a look at our. Developed by WB Games Montral, Batman: Arkham Origins features an expanded Gotham City and introduces an original prequel storyline set several years before the. Gero Blaster. 18- Shovel Knight. Steam. World Dig. Jett Rocket II: The Wrath of Taikai. Attack of the Friday Monsters Beast Saga: The Strongest Clash in the Colosseum. Conception II2. 4- Skylanders Swap Force. Disney Magic Castle: My Happy Life. Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai 2. Sayonara Umihara Kawase. Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate. Sonic Lost World. Professor Layton and the Azran Legacies. Pok. mon X and Y3. Mario Party 3. DS3. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. Yoshis New Island. Bravely Default. 37- Mario Golf: World Tour. Super Smash Bros for 3. DS3. 9- Monster Hunter 4. Other games without a video clip - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Puzzle and Dragons ZPower Rangers MEGAFORCEDisney Infinity. Aeterno. Blade (Chrono. Blade)Devil Survivor 2: Break Record. Disneys Planes. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DONT KNOW LEGO Friends. Putty Squad. Eternal Eden. Mario amp Sonic at the Sochi 2. Olympic Winter Games. Castle Conqueror - Dark Ages. SPEC: Heaven. Romance of the Three Kingdoms 3. DSDisneys Frozen The Unlikely Legend of Rusty Pup. Doodle Jump. Young Justice: Legacy. Cut the Rope 3. DSCarps and Dragons. Vampire Crystals Rebirth. Zombie Panic in Wonderland 3. DTreasurenauts. Turtle Tale. Cult County. Fish On 3. DRobot Rescue 3. DAsh (ios port)WAKEDASCinema Dream. Castle Conqueror: Heroes 3. World Conquest. Rhythm Scape. Toy Defense. Sweet Memories: Poker Night. Puzzle Craft. Lair Land Story. Lair Land Story 2. Ai. Race Speed. Music - -- -- -- -- -- -- Sky SanctuaryBack In Time Remix - Sonic amp All - Stars Racing Transformed. Rally - Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces. Background by herrgalvez. Beware the Batman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Beware the Batman is an American computer - animated television series based on the DC Comics superhero Batman. The series premiered in the United States on Cartoon Network on July 1. DC Nation block, replacing Batman: The Brave and the Bold.2 The series was produced by Warner Bros. Animation3 with animation produced by Xentrix Studios in India.4The series ran on Cartoon Network until it was pulled from the schedule four months after its premiere, without official explanation. After the series was put on hiatus, the remaining episodes of the season began to air on Adult Swims Toonami block, from July 2. September 2. 8, 2. SynopsiseditThe series is set during Bruce Waynes early years as the Batman, following his initial period of battling organized crime. Over the course of the season, he hones his skills with the assistance of his butler, Alfred Pennyworth. Bruce is introduced to Alfreds goddaughter Tatsu Yamashiro. Tatsu is a martial arts swordsmaster hired to act as Bruces bodyguard, but also recruited to act as a superhero partner to Batman. ProductioneditBackgroundedit. Initial promotional art for the series depicted Alfred armed with guns and fighting alongside Batman. This upset fans of the Batman mythos, prompting a response from producers.5After Batman: The Brave and the Bold ended its run in November 2. Batman could return to a more serious tone.6 With Batman receiving a new sidekick, Outsiders member Katana, Register even commented that Katana is gonna be his new Robin, but not necessarily.1 The series was a 3. D computer - animated format, similar to the earlier Green Lantern: The Animated Seriess animation style.37In the wake of the 2. Aurora shooting, which occurred during a screening of the Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises, it was announced that the series content would be altered in order to make the firearms in the show look less realistic.8 In addition initial announcements for the series were accompanied with promotional art that was not intended for public release, depicting Alfred as a gun - toting butler. This upset fans of the Batman mythos, who argued against Alfreds participation in Batmans exploits, and his use of deadly firearms as against the Batmans principles. In response to fan criticism, producer Glen Murakami acknowledged that this poster image was an inaccurate representation of what the characters actual role would be. He elaborated that the poster was intended to be an action - themed shot that displayed the cast of characters, but that Alfreds portrayal had been misleadingly made more exciting. You cant have an action pose of a guy standing with a tray, joked Murakami. Mitch Watson also noted the problem presented if Alfred were fighting alongside Batman, as he would be recognized as Bruce Waynes butler, and thus reveal the identity of Batman. Regardless, both producers insisted that Alfred would remain true to his intended characterization as a mentor to Batman, who could potentially help Batman if a story plot called for it.5 Scott Thill, technology and pop culture commentator for Wired magazine, praised the initial choice to debut Anarky on television, claiming the character was relevant following the rise of the occupy movement and the hacktivist activities of Anonymous.9In promoting the series, Warner Bros. Batman, Professor Pyg and Toad, Magpie, and Anarky.1. On July 2, the opening title sequence was released to Entertainment Weekly, a week prior to the series premiere.1. It depicts Batman, Alfred, Katana, and the Batmobile, in a stylized red background with stark red lighting effects, contrasted by dark shadows and silhouettes. The shows opening theme is composed by the indie rock band the Dum Dum Girls.1. D developmenteditThe way these guys have constructed the city itself I mean, theyre still building it theyre building. Gotham City itself its not just a couple of sets. The requirements of 3. D animation at times necessitated that inanimate objects such as ships and city streets were built, rather than simply drawn, creating a need for the completion of entire set designs. This would increase production times, but later allow the developers to bring cinematic qualities of lighting and camera play to the series. Batmans utility belt was fully recreated from cardboard and worn by producer Glen Murakamis design team, to test how the belt would function while in motion. If you really built it, it would work, said Watson. Batarangs were designed to flip - open and function when retrieved from the belt. The Batmobile was also subjected to scrutiny, as a certain amount of weight was added to it as it moved on city streets, out of concern that it would be unbelievable otherwise.1. BroadcasteditThree months after the series premiere, Beware the Batman was pulled from the Cartoon Network schedule and put on hiatus on October 2. Cartoon Network did not provide an official explanation, leading fans to believe that the series had already been canceled.1. Cartoon Network then moved the series to the Toonami block on the networks late - night Adult Swim showcase. Toonami aired all 2. Saturday, May 1. 0, 2. Cartoon Network then declared the series a financial failure and decided to write it off. On September 2. 8, Toonami ran a marathon consisting of the final seven previously unaired episodes.1. The show made its Canadian premiere on October 1. Teletoon.1. 7CharacterseditCrime - fighting vigilante Batman teams up with swordmistress Katana and his ex - secret agent7 butler Alfred Pennyworth to face the criminal underworld led by Anarky, Magpie, Ras al Ghul, Tobias Whale, Professor Pyg, Mister Toad, Lady Shiva, Key and Humpty Dumpty.127 Anarky, in particular, was intended to be the main villain in the series.1. Weve taken the essence of all the characters and weve put sort of a different spin on it. You know, theres some stuff we cant adapt because its too complicated or not fit for a kids show. While the developers allowed themselves license to stylize the characters appearances, the villains were particularly designed to be over the top.1. Awards and nominationseditYear. Award. Categoria. Nominee. Result. 20. 13. Annie Award1. Best Animated TVBroadcast Production For Childrens Audience. Nomeado. 20. 14. Daytime Emmy Award2. Outstanding Childrens Animated Program. Sam Register, Glen Murakami, Mitch Watson, Amy Mc. Kenna. Nomeado. Outstanding Casting for an Animated Series or Special. Andrea Romano. Nomeado. Outstanding Directing in an Animated Program. Butch Lukic, Curt Geda, Sam Liu, Rick Morales, Andrea Romano. Nomeado. Outstanding Achievement in Main Title and Graphic Design. T. J. Sullivan. Nomeado. Home videoeditOn February 1. Blu - ray and DVD in a collection titled Beware The Batman: Season 1 Part 1- Shadows of Gotham.2. The twelfth and thirteenth episodes (titled Attraction and Fall) had yet to air, despite being released on this collection.2. A second collection, titled Beware The Batman: Season 1 Part 2- Dark Justice, was released on September 3. See alsoeditProgram lists. Referencesedit abc. Harvey, James. Beware The Batman CGI Animated Series Coming For 2. DC Nation Updates. The Worlds Finest. Retrieved April 4, 2. March 2. 9, 2. 01. Beware The Batman teaser image released. Nerdage. Retrieved April 4, 2. Lesnick, Silas (March 2. Cartoon Network Wants You to Beware the Batman. Superhero Hype. Retrieved April 4, 2. Xentrix Professional Services. Xentrix Studios. Retrieved October 1. Thill, Scott (July 2. SDCC 2. 01. 2 Beware the Batman Interview. Pixelatedgeek. com. Retrieved August 2. G - Man (July 2. 4, 2. Comic - Con: Brave and the Bold amp Young Justice Panel. Comic Vine. Retrieved October 5, 2. Beat, The (March 2. Beware the Batman leads new Cartoon Network lineup. Comics Beat. Retrieved April 4, 2. Wallenstein, Andrew (July 2. Warner Bros. tones down Batman TV toon. Variety. Retrieved August 1. Thill, Scott (April 1. Beware The Batmans CGI Teaser Surfaces, But When Will Anarky Arrive. Wired. Retrieved April 1. Cartoon Network Releases Beware the Batman Sizzle Reel, Images. Comic Book Resources. June 1. 9, 2. 01. Retrieved September 5, 2. Franich, Darren (July 2, 2. First look at Beware the Batman opening titles. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved September 5, 2. B eware the Batman Title Sequence Hits Online. Comic Book Resources. Retrieved September 5, 2. SDCC 2. 01. 2: DC Nation Beware The Batman Mitch Watson amp Glen Murakami Interview (video podcast). Misfitsofscifi. Com. July 1. 7, 2. 01. Beware The Batman Might Have Already Been Canceled. Gamma Squad. October 2. Retrieved October 1. Beware the Batman Joins Toonami Line - Up Starting Saturday, May 1. Worlds Finest. Retrieved April 1. Good NewsBad News Batman Fans. September 2. 2, 2. Retrieved September 2. Beware the Batman. Teletoon Canada. Retrieved September 1. Veronese, Keith (July 1. Bruce Wayne goes back to his detective roots, in Beware the Batman. Retrieved July 2. Beware The Batman and Teen Titans Go Score 2. 01. 3 Annie Award Nominations. Worlds Finest Online. December 2, 2. 01. Retrieved September 3. The National Academy of Television Arts amp Sciences Announces the 4. Annual Daytime Entertainment Emmy. Award Nominations(PDF). National Academy of Television Arts amp Sciences. May 1, 2. 01. 4. Retrieved September 3. Beware the Batman Season 1, Part 1 coming to Blu - ray and DVD on February 1. Batman News. Batman News. Beware The Batman Blu - Ray Will Feature Unaired Episodes. Comics Alliance. External linksedit.
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